Jubayer Hossain

Biomedical Researcher


I am a biomedical researcher focusing on neuroepidemiology, cancer epidemiology, and cancer bioinformatics. My primary interest lies in applying machine learning algorithms to health data including electronic health records, multi-omics big data, and neurological images. I aim to optimize clinically actionable biomarkers and develop predictive models to enable early diagnosis and treatment for neurological disorders and cancer. Furthermore, I am interested in visualizing these data and models to facilitate biological interpretation and clinical applications.

I am currently the Founder and Executive Director of CHIRAL Bangladesh. My leadership extends to aiHealth Lab and Big Bioinformatics Lab, where the focus is on advancing cancer bioinformatics and artificial intelligence for health. As an educator, I hold the position of Lead Instructor and Organizer at the Training Unit of CHIRAL. Additionally, I serve as an instructor for the Data Science for Biologists program at cBLAST.
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